TORRE DEL MAR - COMARES - Puerto Cútar - Puerto de Almáchar - TORRE DEL MAR

Comares is located at an altitude of 650m;
Below is a proposed route starting in Torre del Mar, entering the town of Comares, descending to Benamargosa, and ascending to Puerto Cútar (467m), then continuing to Puerto de Almáchar. After descending to Torre de Benagalbon, we return to Torre del Mar along the coast:
Torre del Mar - Comares - Puerto Cútar - Puerto de Almáchar - Torre del Mar 84 km

Comares - 650m from Torre del Mar:
1. Directions:
How to get to Torre del Mar, where to stay, rent a bike or park the car, can be found here
2. Route description with suggestions for meal and/or water refueling stops:
Let's start the route according to the map;
- 2,7km: Velez Malaga (14m) at the third roundabout, take the exit westward: signpost: Malaga;
- 3,2km: Velez Malaga (16m) at the first roundabout, take the exit towards A-356; signpost: Casabermeja;
- 3,8km: Velez Malaga (28m) turn right onto the viaduct and continue to the roundabout with the monument of the Spanish Constitution of 1812 and start riding on a comfortable bike path;
- 5,5km: Cómpeta (35m) turn right onto Camino Remanente and after 200 meters, at the third roundabout following the GPX track, take the exit onto the side road A-7205, parallel to the busy A-356;
- 9,1km: Trapiche (40m) turn left onto A-356 and after 200 meters, turn leftonto MA-3113; signpost: Comares;
- 17,5km: Benamargosa (101m) - a place to refill water (grocery store) or have a coffee break; turn right onto MA-3107 - signpost: Comares;
- 20,9km: (145m) turn left onto MA-3105 signposted: Comares; begins the ascent immediately with a steep gradient - averaging over 13% for 1.5km;
- 28,6km: Comares (700m) destination reached; a good place for a break: gastronomic point and viewpoint;

The climb profile of the ascent from the junction of roads MA-3107 and MA-3105 (20,9km) to Comares (28,6km) can be found on the website:;

We descend the same road to Benamargosa, where we can refill our drinks in the bottles again;
- 39,7km: Benamargosa (101m) turn right onto road MA-3108; poorly visible direction sign from this side: Cutar; after 200 meters, we cross a bridge over the stream, and the ascent begins;
- 48,2km: Puerto Cútar (450m) second destination reached;

The climb profile of the ascent from Benamargosa (39,9km) to Puerto Cútar (48,2km) can be found on the websites: and;

We continue along road MA-3106;
- 52,7km: (189m) after passing El Borge, turn right onto road MA-3114, direction: Almachar; after 100 meters, we cross a small bridge, and the ascent begins;
- 57,7km: Puerto de Almáchar/Alto de Moclinejo (601m) third destination reached;

The profile of the ascent from El Borge (52,8km) to Puerto de Almáchar (57,7km) can be found on the websites: and;

- We descend towards Moclinejo;
- 66,5km: Benagalbon (151m) turn left towards Benagalbon and follow narrow streets according to the GPX track, to reach road MA-3201 after 1 kilometer;
- 70km: Torre de Benagalbón (5m) end of descent; at the third roundabout, take the exit towards Torre del Mar, then via road N-340a to return to the starting point;

   Download the route in: gpx

Statistics of the ascent to Comares:
- start at an altitude of 145m (20,9km) finish at 700m (28,6km)
- total elevation difference: 560m
- length of the climb: 7,7km
- average gradient: 7,2%
- max gradient on a 100m stretch: 15%

road to Comares in Google Street View:

Statistics of the ascent to Puerto Cútar:
- start at an altitude of 101m (39,9km) finish at 450m (48,2km)
- total elevation difference: 357m
- length of the climb: 8,3km
- average gradient: 4,2%
- max gradient on a 100m stretch: 8,1%

road to Puerto Cútar in Google Street View:

Statistics of the ascent to Puerto de Almáchar:
- start at an altitude of 189m (52,8km) finish at 601m (57,7km)
- total elevation difference: 426m
- length of the climb: 4,9km
- average gradient: 8,5%
- max gradient on a 100m stretch: 15,5%

road to Puerto de Almáchar in Google Street View: