- Col de Portet d'Aspet - SAINT GIRONS:

Col de Menté is located at an altitude of 1349m.a.s.l. You can reach the pass from Lez or Aspet. Below is a proposed route starting from Saint Girons, ascending to Col de Larrieu (704m.a.s.l.), then Col de Menté, and on the way back, Col de Portet d'Aspet. (1069 m.a.s.l.):
Saint Girons - Col de Larrieu - Col de Menté - Col de Portet d'Aspet - Saint Girons 107km

Col de la Core 1395m.a.s.l. from Saint Girons:
1. Directions:
How to get to Saint Girons, where to stay, rent a bike or park the car, can be found here
2. Route description with suggestions for meal and/or water refueling stops:
We're starting the route according to the map;
- 0,1km: (389m.a.s.l.) - we're leaving the parking lot and heading towards D117 road;
- 1,8km: (392m.a.s.l.) - turn right onto the bridge and immediately after the bridge turn left onto D3 road - we'll be riding along the Le Salat river;
- 6,8km: (357m.a.s.l.) - turn left onto D34 road following the signpost to Taurignan;
- 9km: Mercenac (385m.a.s.l.) - continue straight onto D134 road;
- 13,2km: Bonrepaux (333m.a.s.l.) turn left onto the bridge and onto D234 road;
- 14km: (333m.a.s.l.) at the big roundabout continue straight onto D117e (following the signpost to Prat-Bonrepaux);
- 14,8km: Prat-Bonrepaux (334m.a.s.l.) there are some shops and food points - a good place to refill water;
- 16,4km: (328m.a.s.l.) turn left onto D133 road (following the signpost to Mouvezin-de-Prat);
- 19,7km: Saleich (417m.a.s.l.) - on the left, there's the Qu'es Aquò restaurant;
- 25km Castelbague (364m.a.s.l.) - turn onto D13 road from D60 (following the signpost to Barat);
- 29,1km Barat (392m.a.s.l.) - the climb to Col de Larrieu begins;
- 33,8km: Col de Larrieu (704m.a.s.l.) - the first goal is achieved;

The climb profile from Barat (29,1km) to Col de Larrieu (33,8km) can be found on: and

- 39,9km: Aspet (473m.a.s.l.) turn left onto D5 road (following the signpost to Col de Portet d'Aspet); food points - a good place to have coffee and/or lunch before the climb;
- 44,6km: (528m.a.s.l.) turn left onto D618 road (following the signpost to Col de Menté);
- 49,9km: (671m.a.s.l.) turn right onto D85 road (following the signpost to Col de Menté);
- 61km: Col de Menté (1349m.a.s.l.) - the main goal is achieved; it's worth stopping here for lunch at the Auberge La Soulan restaurant - prior reservation is recommended;

The climb profile from Aspet (39,9km) na Col de Menté (61km) can be found on: and

After the break, we'll be descending the same road;
- 72,1km: (688m.a.s.l.) - turn right onto D618 road (following the signpost to Col de Portet d'Aspet);
- 76,4km: Col de Portet d'Aspet (1069 m.a.s.l.) - the third goal is achieved; food point and drinking water tap are located on the right side;

The climb profile from the D85/D618 road junction (72,1km) to Col de Portet d'Aspet (76,4km) can be found on: and

- 78,8km: Portet d'Aspet (843m.a.s.l.) we continue on D618; there is a drinking water tap on the right and a restaurant 100m further down the road;
- 82,1km: Saint-Lary (683m.a.s.l.) Basilic-Saint-Fred pizzeria open from 5:00 pm to 9:30 pm - a good place for a late lunch; there is a drinking water tap on the right side of the road;
- 100,5km: Luzenac (445m.a.s.l.) there is a green drinking water tap on the left side of the road; we continue on D618 towards Saint Girons;

statistics regarding Col de Menté can be found on: and Col de Portet d'Aspet on

   Download the route in: gpx

Statistics of the ascent from Barat do Col de Larrieu:
- start at an altitude of 392m.a.s.l. (29,1km) finish at 704m.a.s.l. (33,8km)
- total elevation difference: 320m
- distance: 4,7km
- average gradient: 6,9%
- max gradient on a 100m stretch: 14,8%

Col de Larrieu in Google Street View:

Statistics of the ascent from Aspet do Col de Menté:
- start at an altitude of 473m.a.s.l. (39,9km) finish at 1349m.a.s.l. (61km)
- total elevation difference: 910m
- distance: 21,1km
- average gradient: 5%
- max gradient on a 100m stretch: 12%

Col de Menté in Google Street View:

Statistics of the ascent from the D85/D618 road junction to Col de Portet d'Aspet:
- start at an altitude of 688m.a.s.l. (72,1km) finish at 1069m.a.s.l. (76,4km)
- total elevation difference: 381m
- distance: 4,3km
- average gradient: 9,5%
- max gradient on a 100m stretch: 14,4%

Col de Portet d'Aspet in Google Street View: