- Hospice de France - BAGNÈRES-DE-LUCHON:

Superbagnéres is located at an altitude of 1798m.a.s.l.
Below is a proposed route starting in Bagnères-de-Luchon and ascending to Superbagnéres, and then descending to Hospice de France (1385m.a.s.l.) on the way back:
Bagnères-de-Luchon - Superbagnéres - Hospice de France - Bagnères-de-Luchon 50km

Superbagnéres 1798m.a.s.l. from Bagnères-de-Luchon:
1. Directions:
How to get to Bagnères-de-Luchon, where to stay, rent a bike or park the car, can be found here
2. Route description with suggestions for meal and/or water refueling stops:
We're starting the route according to the map;
- 1km: (635m.a.s.l.) - we ride through the center of Bagnères-de-Luchon to D125 and follow along the La Pique river;
- 1,4km: (643m.a.s.l.) - we go straight (direction: Superbagnéres) - a gentle climb begins;
- 5,9km: (900m.a.s.l.) - we keep to the right, gently descending - the direction is D46 road;
- 18,6km: Luchon-Superbagnéres (1798m.a.s.l.) - destination reached - gastronomic points and beautiful panorama of the mountains; we descend the same way;

The climb profile from Bagnères-de-Luchon (0,2km) to Superbagnéres (19,2km) can be found on: and

- 31,3km: (900m.a.s.l.) we turn sharply right onto the D125 road towards Hospice de France;
- 37,5km: Hospice de France (1385m.a.s.l.) - second destination reached - a good place for coffee or lunch: a large Hospice de France restaurant;

The climb profile from the D46/D125 crossroads (31,3km) to Hospice de France (37,5km) can be found on: and

- 48,6km: Bagnères-de-Luchon (635m.a.s.l.) we turn right, following D125;
- 48,8km: following the gpx track, we turn left onto Boulevard Dr Estradere and ride through the center until we reach the starting point;

- The entire climb from Bagnères-de-Luchon to Superbagnéres is presented on the Indoor Cycling Training channel on YouTube Bike the World
- The ascent to Superbagnéres is presented on The Col Collective YouTube channel;
- The ascent to both Superbagnéres and Hospice de France can be found on Gonzalo de las Heras YouTube channel;

Statistics regarding Superbagnéres can be found on the website and statistics regarding Hospice de France can be found on the website;

   Download the route in: gpx

Statistics of the ascent from Bagnères-de-Luchon to Superbagnéres:
- start at an altitude of 643m.a.s.l. (1,4km) finish at 1798m.a.s.l. (18,6km)
- total elevation difference: 1165m
- distance: 17,2km
- average gradient: 6,8%
- max gradient on a 100m stretch: 12%

Superbagnéres in Google Street View:

Statistics for the climb from the intersection of D46/D125 to Hospice de France:
- start at an altitude of 900m.a.s.l. (31,3km) finish at 1385m.a.s.l. (37,5km)
- total elevation difference: 485m
- distance: 6,2km
- average gradient: 8,6%
- max gradient on a 100m stretch: 15%

Beginning of the climb to Hospice de France on Google Street View: