LARUNS - COL DU POURTALET - Lac de Bious-Artigues - LARUNS:

Col du Pourtalet is located at an altitude of 1794m.a.s.l. on the French-Spanish border. The pass can be reached from Laruns (France) or from Sallent de Gállego (Spain). Below is a proposed route starting from Laruns and including a climb to Lac de Bious-Artigues.
Laruns - Col du Pourtalet - Lac de Bious-Artigues - Laruns 68km

Col du Pourtalet 1794m.a.s.l. from Laruns, with a detour to Lac de Bious-Artigues on the way back:
1. Directions:
How to get to Laruns, where to stay, rent a bike or park the car, can be found here
2. Route description with suggestions for meal and/or water refueling stops:
We're starting the route according to the map;
- 0km: (504m.a.s.l.) we turn onto Rue du Gourzy;
- 0,9km: (504m.a.s.l.) - after passing the first river, we turn right onto Rue de Lauguere;
- 1,1km: (504m.a.s.l.) we turn left onto D934 and ride along the river Le Gave d'Ossau;
- 14km: Gabas (1021m.a.s.l.) - restaurants - it's worth stopping for a coffee and refilling liquids, as there will be no gastronomic points until the pass;
- 29,5km Col du Pourtalet (1794m.a.s.l.) - destination achieved - 100m further on the Spanish side there are shops and gastronomic points;

The climb profile from Laruns (1,6km) to Col du Pourtalet (29,5km) can be found on: and

- 44,1km: (1097m.a.s.l.) we turn left onto D231 - direction Bious Artigues (if the barrier is raised and the road is open, we will reach our second destination of the day);
- 48,2km: (1428m.a.s.l.) - Lac de Bious Artigues;

The climb profile from the intersection of D231/D934 (44.1km) to Lac de Bious Artigues (48,2km) can be found on and

- 52,2km: (1097m.a.s.l.) - we turn left onto D934;
- 53km: Gabas (1021m.a.s.l.) - we can stop again for coffee and refill our water bottles;
- 67,1km: center of Laruns (504m.a.s.l.);

- he last km of the climb to Col du Pourtalet can be found on the European Roads YouTube channel;

Statistics regarding Col du Tourmalet can be found on

   Download the route in: gpx

Statistics of the ascent from Laruns to Col du Pourtalet:
- start at an altitude of 534m.a.s.l. (1,6km) finisz na 1794m.a.s.l. (29,5km)
- total elevation difference: 1279m
- distance: 27,9km
- average gradient: 4,6%
- max gradient on a 100m stretch: 8,3%

Col du Pourtalet in Google Street View:

Statistics of the ascent from the intersection of roads D231/D934 to Lac de Bious Artigues::
- start at an altitude of 1097m.a.s.l. (44,1km) finisz na 1428m.a.s.l. (48,2km)
- total elevation difference: 331m
- distance: 4,1km
- average gradient: 7,9%
- max gradient on a 100m stretch: 10,8%

Lac de Bious Artigues in Google Street View: