Cauterets is located at an altitude of 920m.a.s.l.;
Below is a route proposal starting in Luz Saint Sauveur and climbing two hills through Cauterets: first to Cambasque (1367m.a.s.l.) and then to Pont d'Espagne (1495m.a.s.l.):
Luz Saint Sauveur - Cauterets - Cambasque - Cauterets - Pont d'Espagne - Luz Saint Sauveur 71km

Pont d'Espagne 1496m.a.s.l. from Luz Saint Sauveur, via Cautarets:
1. Directions:
How to get to Luz Saint Sauveur, where to stay, rent a bike or park the car, can be found here
2. Route description with suggestions for meal and/or water refueling stops:
We're starting the route according to the map;
- 12,2m: (492m.a.s.l.) we drive on the D921 road to Pierrefitte Nestalas and turn left onto the D920;
- 22,3km: Cautarets (920m.a.s.l.): coffee break; lots of gastronomic points - the best place to stop;
- 28,3km: first destination reached: Cambasque (1367m.a.s.l.);

The climb profile from Pierrefitte Nestalas (6,8) via Cautarets (16,9km) to Cambasque (22,9km) can be found on: and

- 33,5km: back towards Cauterets (963m.a.s.l.) we turn right onto the D920 road and head towards Pont d'Espagne;
- 40,4km: main destination achieved: Pont d'Espagne (1495m.a.s.l.);

The climb profile from Pierrefitte Nestalas to Pont d'Espagne can be found on: and

- 48,2km: once again the center of Cauterets (924m.a.s.l.) invites us to stop for coffee;
- 58,5km: Pierrefitte Nestalas (492m.a.s.l.) - we turn right onto the D921 road and drive to Luz Saint Sauveur;

Tour de France footage (2015 - stage 11): the last 10 km, including the descent from Tourmalet and the climb to Cauterets - on YouTube on the RagedMonkey channel;

Statistics on Cauterets can be found on

   Download the route in: gpx

Other routes leading to Cambasque / Pont d'Espagne:
- from Lourdes - 86km
- from Argelès-Gazost - 60km

Statistics of the ascent from Pierrefitte Nestalas do Cambasque:
- start at an altitude of 490m.a.s.l. (12,2km) finish at 1358m.a.s.l. (28,3km)
- total elevation difference: 882m
- length of the climb: 16,1km
- average gradient: 5,3%
- max gradient on a 100m stretch: 12,0%

Cambasque in Google Street View:

Statistics of the ascent from Pierrefitte Nestalas do Pont d'Espagne:
- start at an altitude of 490m.a.s.l. finisz na 1495m.a.s.l.
- total elevation difference: 1005m
- length of the climb: 18km
- average gradient: 5,4%
- max gradient on a 100m stretch: 11%

Road split at Cambasque and Pont d'Espagne on Google Street View: