Valsavarenche is located at an altitude of 1960m.a.s.l.;
Below is a proposed route starting in Aosta, entering Valsavarenche, and then returning by the same road:
Aosta - Valsavarenche - Aosta 78 km

Valsavarenche - 1960m.a.s.l. from Aosta:
1. Getting there:
how to get to Aosta, where to stay, rent a bike or park the car, can be found here
2. Route description with suggestions for meal and/or water bottle refill stops: we start the route according to the map;
- 0,8km: Aosta (563m.a.s.l.) we descend from the bridge onto the "VeloDoire" bicycle path, which runs along the river;
- 2km: (573m.a.s.l.) we enter the SR20 road;
- 8,3km: (652m.a.s.l.) at the roundabout, we take the SR47 road and, after 200m, before the Saint Leger church, we turn right; signpost: Villeneuve;
- 11,8km: Villeneuve (689m.a.s.l.) grocery store; drinking water fountains marked on; we continue on Via Pierino Chanoux;
- 13,1km: (695m.a.s.l.) at the second roundabout, we take the SR23 road; the ascent begins;
- 15,9km: Introd (864m.a.s.l.) on the right-hand side, there is one of many drinking water intakes;
- 17km: (950m.a.s.l.) we keep left, continuing on SR23;
- 30,3km: Dégioz (1531m.a.s.l.) food points, restroom, and drinking water fountains;
- 38,9km: Le Breuil Valsavarenche (1960m.a.s.l.) destination reached; food point and grocery store;

the climb profile from Villeneuve (13,1km) to Valsavarenche (38,9km) can be found on: and

We return by the same road to the starting point;

statistics regarding Valsavarenche can be found on the website:

   download the route in: gpx

Statistics of the ascent to Valsavarenche:
- start at an altitude of 695m.a.s.l. (13,1km) finish at 1960m.a.s.l. (38,9km)
- total elevation difference: 1299m
- length of the climb: 25,8km
- average gradient: 5%
- max gradient on a 100m stretch: 10,7%

road to Valsavarenche in Google Street View: